English we were going to be finishing off our best copies, as we are making them into an anthology (collection of stories) to give to other classes so if you wrote your story at home this last week we would love to add yours to it after half term. If you wrote your story in school then we will finish it off on the first Monday after half term, you can have a go at the reading questions below based on the text we have been reading in class.
Today in maths we are going to be having a go at the mymaths homework we pointed out to any of you home learning yesterday - have a go at the three of these - two of them are recaps from year 2 but the last one is a bit trickier and the next step to what we have been learning in class.
We have been reading about Stone Age Cooking - we have decided it isn't the best but we were happy that they were able to survive on it. Below is the section we already read in class and the next recipe in the collection. Read both bits carefully ask an adult if there are words you are unsure of and then have a go at answering the questions below.
1. Why does Chef Ug not use words like days, months and years?
2. What effect does starting the introduction with a question have on the reader?
3. What item in the first recipe seems to be a fairly new invention?
4. Which phrase made you feel the most hungry? And why?
5. What phrase makes you feel the most sick as the reader and why?
We have successfully achieved our secret student reward this half term and we have voted for a film and wearing our own clothes - so we will be doing this in the first week back (probably Friday but we will confirm this after half term).
As we have been producing some wonderful art - concentrating on landscapes this half term we though you could show them off at home. Try creating a landscape in pencil, crayon or paint and then maybe add a character on to your landscape. As you know, Mr Bond loves draw with Rob so why not use his expertise to help you add a creature to your landscape. You can find is tutorials here.
Today we are going to have another look at giving change - thinking about adding and subtracting money in the correct order - thinking about what the question is asking us.
We have a new text to look at for this week - have a look and read at the text below and have a go at a few of the questions over today and tomorrow.
What effect does starting with a question have?
What does the word newfangled mean?
What is used to cook the bread?
Have a go at writing your third section - the build up. Here is ours to help you:
I joined them in sitting around the campfire, watching the flames flickering and smoke twirling through the air. Crack! Pop! Hiss! My mouth watered at the smell of succulent steaks and fresh fish cooking.
As the sun’s beams started to spread over the fields, Ug showed me around her camp. People were busy sharpening flint, making tools and building fires. Ug’s people didn’t have the things that we have today – I didn’t see a single television, microwave or toaster. All around me, I could see animal skins, wood, stone and flint. I saw a mammoth’s tooth as big as a loaf of bread and a shiver of fear ran down my spine.
Today we are finishing off our unit on money by looking at some questions independently. Below is a little assessment we are going to have a look at as a class.
Have a go at writing the next part of your story - plot point 4 - the build up to something going wrong - you are going to be doing something fun and then the feeling changes. Don't introduce your problem yet, though! Here is ours to give you an idea:
Later that day, we went for a walk and Ug led me into a dark, damp cave. He showed me how to create beautiful art work on the walls, using just charcoal and plants instead of paint. I was amazed at how vibrant the colours were: ruby red, penny brown and luminous yellow. His fingers did not stop while he brought mammoths, deer and gazelle to life on the cave walls, just like a magician. I couldn’t believe my eyes!
All of a sudden, an eerie silence filled the cave. I had a uneasy feeling and my stomach started to twist into knots. I thought I could hear something in the distance.
Today we are working on our painting skills, painting the landscapes we have been looking at so in depth. What sketching skills do we need and then what mixing skills do we need. We know this might not be possible for you at home, if you haven't got paints and equipment so get creative - we would like a landscape piece using something you have at home. It could be paints, pencils, a collage or something else your choice.
We are looking at the different things we do or put into our bodies and whether it is helpful, harmful or could be either. For example - medicine is very good for you if you are ill but too much of it or taking medicine when you aren't ill will make poorly. Use the venn diagram below to sort some other things into the right section.
Today we moving on to graphs and tables, we are learning about tally charts today. This is how we collect information. Below is a series of questions for you to collect some information. Tally charts are the use of lines and patterns to represent numbers when counting.
Today we are thinking about all the things we have learnt this half term and exploring the forest school area as we turn into spring time. What shoots and flowers are starting to appear and display themselves?
Have a go at the sheet below, what can you remember about the different areas of science this half term.
Today we are going to write the final part of our story - the resolution and ending. Here is ours to help you:
The noise began to grow louder. What could it be? The ground started to shake under the thunder of a thousand footsteps. I could hear the bloodthirsty shouts and yells of angry men. Ug looked at me with fear in his eyes. He had been so full of confidence just moments before creating his art, but now had the look of a lost, terrified little boy. Ug and I peered through the entrance of the cave and saw a big tribe. A huge tribe. A massive, menacing tribe. Heading right for us! Spears were flying through the air Quick as a flash, I realised these were not Ug’s people.
I grabbed hold of his hand and we turned, running for our lives through the cave. My feet unexpectedly gave way beneath me and I found myself falling down a hole deeper, deeper, deeper.
As I drifted awake and found myself warm and cosy in my bed at home, I felt something hard in my pocket. A piece of flint!
As we move on to tally charts and pictograms we have set you three homeworks on mymaths to have a go at over the next couple of days. Spread them out over Thursday and Friday if you would like to - 2 are recapping what we learnt last year and one is something new.
We are going to publish our stories today and tomorrow - there is some lined/bordered paper you can use as a template if you would like to, otherwise please publish how you choose!
Today we are looking at what we have learnt about the gospels over the last 7 weeks. GO back to last Friday if you would like to watch some of the stories we have looked at before. But today's task is a really simple on, can you answer with the most information you can the questions below.
1.What are gospels?
2.What do they tell us?
3.Where are they found?
Today we are going to be doing a bit of investigating in geography - we are going to be looking at the continent around us.
As a warm up can you remember the 7 continents of the world?
Using the map of Europe below can you use an atlas, google earth or another map to locate and time the mountains within our continent? Where are the mountains and what are they called?