
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Autumn Term in Ash Class 2023

Autumn Term in Ash Class

Autumn Term 2 - Journeys!

Physical Development - Balancing on one leg

Autumn Term 1 - Ourselves! All About Me!

Physical Development - Rolling a Ball

What a fantastic start to school life! We are so proud of all our reception children. It has been a busy couple of days in Ash Class. We cannot wait to see everyone on Monday. Have a lovely weekend.
Best Wishes The Foundation Stage Team 😊

In phonics we have been thinking about different rhyming words. We even made some ‘silly soup’! Lots of children tried it and said it was delicious!

During our ‘Exploring Time’ the children have been making new friends and getting to know their new classroom.
