
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Monday 24th January


This week, we will continue to learn about how to solve division calculations. Today we will look at how to divide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. Click here to watch a video lesson and then have a go at the questions below. smiley


We are continuing with our writing for The Nowhere Emporium this week.


Today is a sentence stacking day so you will need to split your paper into a 'thinking side' and a 'writing side'. We are going to be writing sentences to describe the inside of the emporium. 



Learning chunk 1 - Symbolism

Firstly, we would like you to go on a treasure hunt to find a piece of jewellery at home. If you can't find a piece of jewellery, you could search for pictures online. Look carefully at the jewellery and then create a mind map full of jewellery related vocabulary. 

E.g. necklace, tiara, bracelet, locket, glistening, emerald, intricate, charm, diamond-studded, ruby-encrusted. 


Learning chunk 2 - Juxtaposition

Next, we are going to describe the objects in the emporium using contrasting adjectives. 

  • Make a list of nouns/objects in the shop - stuffed animals, books, bottles, statues, ornaments. 
  • Gather synonyms for 'black/grey' - midnight, charcoal, gloomy, inky.
  • Collect synonyms for 'dusty' - dirty, sooty, grubby, murky. 
  • Collect synonyms for 'sparkling' - glowing, glistening, shimmering. 


Learning chunk 3 - Dialogue

Inside the emporium, Daniel notices a little man. We are going to imagine what the man would say when he spots Daniel coming into his shop. 

  • You could draw a picture of the little man and then draw big speech bubbles to show what he might say e.g. "Why are you here?" "Get out!" "What do you think you're doing?"
  • You could also gather more interesting synonyms for 'said' e.g. shouted, yelled, barked



Learning chunk 1  -

Teacher model: The shop was a cave of wonder. The glistening curtains draped over a necklace of bottles that sparkled amongst the dust. An emerald-green cascade of clocks shone intriguingly through the gloom. 


Learning chunk 2 -

Teacher model: Nestled on the shelves, the books shimmered with a midnight glow. The stuffed animals blinked with a charcoal sparkle and the metallic toys glimmered with a raven shine


Learning chunk 3 - 

Teacher model: "How did you get in here? We're closed!" barked a small man. 






For our art lesson this afternoon, we are going to be creating self-portraits in the style Andy Warhol's portrait of Marilyn Monroe. You can use any art materials that you have at home to create your portrait e.g. paints, colouring pencils or even chopped up magazines to make a collage. 


Below, I have attached some pictures of examples and ideas to help you. smiley
