At 9am each morning this week, Joe Wicks will be streaming a PE session to keep us all active and moving. It will be a great way to start your day and I am sure your family would love to join in too! If you were having a lie-in, then you will be able to find the session on Joe Wicks' youtube channel and join in at any point!
You can find them here:
Today we are carrying on with Wonder and want you to read pages 219-234 and have a think about the questions below:
1. How is Daisy’s death significant in this point of the story? (3 marks)
2. How would you describe Auggie at this point in the story? What have we learnt about him? (2 marks)
Can you spend 10 minutes on Spelling Shed practicing your spellings before tomorrow. Griffin Hubbard, Dolly Appleton and Matthew Merritt are leading the way at the moment.
Now it's time to start piecing our poem together. The finished product will be 3 or 4 verses long. You can make it rhyme if you think you are up to the challenge but remember we have talked this year about how rhyming poems don't work if you have to force the words in.
Start today by making lines that work. Think of different things you have seen or your colour has made you think of and use your word cloud from yesterday to help you explore descriptions of these.
Your poem might be free verse, but make sure you think about your syllables and if you want a nice flow all the lines need to be a similar length, so make sure you count them out.
Mr Bond has had a go below, he has used a different colour for each verse and we all know you can do much better than him.
What is the Colour?
Yellow is the warming sun
illuminating the world
Yellow is elegant flowers
knowing summer is here
Blue is the vivid sky
clear, joyous and carefree
Blue is the shimmering ocean
cooling breeze off the water
Today is the trickiest lesson of the week, tomorrow we will have a recap with some questions we have put together but today will need your full concentration and maybe a bit of help. Remember we are both able to receive emails now through our new class email address.
Today we are looking at Vertically Opposite Angles - Lesson 1 week beginning 20th April ( Use the White Rose Maths website again - there is a very good video, that talks through this tricky subject. Mr Bond, as always, has had a go, you know he loves doing maths, and the video is below along with the activity for today.
Question 1 asks you to use a protractor - so if you don't have one at home don't worry you can estimate that answer.
Question 6 and 7 are really tricky so don't worry if you find them much harder than the rest - Mr Bond had helped you with number 6.
Remember we already know these things:
A triangle is a shape with 3 sides and 3 angles and a quadrilateral is any shape with 4 sides and 4 angles (these include a square, rectangle, rhombus, etc,).
There are 6 angles:
The angles on the inside of a triangle ALWAYS add up to 180 degrees.
There are 3 types of triangles:
We are starting to think about a new topic in RE for this half term. Our topic is called the Kingdom of God. We are going to look at the type of King Jesus was to his people and what sort of Kingdom Christians have been told God wanted for his people.
To start us off on this topic we have attached a picture below. Using the list of qualities as ideas can you write two lists one which includes qualities that a good King will display and another that Jesus displayed. Write these in your pink exercise book. I expect you will come up with loads of different ideas as well as the ones on the list. It is to help us think about what sort of person should be leading us and be a role model to everyone. You might have some qualities that appear on both lists or very separate list - what do you think from what you know.