
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Working From Home

Hello again! Welcome back after your Easter break, in which I hope you all had fun and maybe tried a few of our activities (I know I have seen and heard plenty of amazing things you've achieved, from Oreo Cakes to building beaches in the back garden). This is a section for working from home at the moment. Keep smiling and enjoy spending some extra time with your family!

Try the activities below; there will be a separate page for each day and we will keep the normal pattern of lessons as much as possible. Feel free to continue with any outstanding activities, such as homework books or reading challenges, as well as using Spelling Shed or TT Rockstars. 

Mr Bond and Mr Bottomley will set some work each day, but feel free to spend longer on a task if necessary, or return to an earlier task if you would like.

If you have any questions at all, please email or phone the school office and they will pass your question on. Please use your pink workbook to complete the written tasks set (where appropriate). 

Stay safe, stay happy and look after each other.
