LQ: How can knowing bonds to 10 help us find bonds to 20?
Today we are using our number bonds to 10 to help us find pairs to 20.
In this lesson, we will explore the different moods in the story of the 'The Magic Paintbrush' using drama.
This will be taught during the 10.30am zoom. If you can't make it, please use the information below to do the lesson in your own time.
Revisit - Flashcards speed trials (all phases)
- Reading Robot (phase 5)
Teach - Alternative spelling of /r/ - We can use 'wr' to make the same sound.
Blending for reading - wrap wrong wrote
Segmenting for spelling - write wren wrench
Use the 'Sentences Phase 5c' game (week 17 /r/).
Practise/Apply - Use the wr activity (below). Find the missing letters and words. Challenge: Write your own sentences using some of the wr words.