
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Board of Governors


The Board of Governors

Trull Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School


In accordance with the Somerset Education Services Instrument of Government, made by Order of Somerset Local Education Authority on 1st October 2014, the Board of Governors of Trull Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School consists of 14 members, as follows:


  • 2 parent governors

  • 1 LA governor

  • 1 Head Teacher 

  • 1 staff governor

  • 1 co-opted governor

  • 8 foundation governors, of whom 6 are appointed by the Bath and Wells Diocesan Board of Education on a nomination from Trull Parochial Council, and 1 is appointed by the Bath and Wells Diocesan Board of Education on a nomination from Pitminster Parochial Church Council.  The Incumbent of All Saints, Trull is also a foundation governor.

Total = 14 Governors



Ryszard Rusinek

Chair of Governors – Foundation Governor

Responsibilities / Committees: Personal Development, Behaviour & Welfare, The Effectiveness of Early Years, RE & Collective Worship. Data Protection & E-Safety Governor

Term of Office: Expires 21/05/2027

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee) 100%


Simon Trump

Vice-Chair of Governors – LA Governor

Responsibilities / Committees: Business committee, Overall effectiveness, Effectiveness of Leadership & Management Team. Sports Premium Governor.

Term of Office: Expires 25/02/2028

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: Married to Teacher

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee) 82%


Anne Bird

Foundation Governor

Term of Office: Expires 06/06/2027

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee) N/A


Ian Gouge

Foundation Governor

Responsibilities / Committees: Quality of teaching, learning & assessment, RE & Collective worship.  

Term of Office: Expires 12/10/2024

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee) 100%


Julia Morgan

Foundation Governor

Term of Office: Expires 05/08/2028

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee) N/A


Rebecca Husband

Foundation Governor

Responsibilities: Wellbeing

Term of Office: Expires 10/02/2027

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee) 100%


Tracey Khodabandehloo

Foundation Governor

Responsibilities / Committees: Business Committee

Term of Office: Expires 30/12/28

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee) 82%


Sandy Killick

Foundation Governor

Responsibilities / Committees: Business Committee, Outcomes for pupils.  SEN Governor. Pupil Premium Governor

Term of Office: Expires 25/02/2025

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee) 100%


Emily Mounsey

Parent Governor

Term of office: Expires 31/08/2027

Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None

Meetings attended in previous academic year: NA


Jen Whitworth

Parent Governor

Responsibilities / Committees: Business Committee, Personal Development, Behaviour & Welfare, Outcomes for Pupils, Safeguarding Governor.

Term of Office: Expires 31/12/2026

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee) 91%


Dave Davenport


Responsibilities / Committees: Business Committee, Quality of teaching, learning & assessment.

Term of Office: Expires 15/01/2027

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee) 91%


Rev Andy Wadsworth

Ex Officio

Responsibilities / Committees: RE & Collective Worship

Term of Office: N/A

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee) 40%


Debbie Crudge

Associate Member

Responsibilities / Committees: Business Committee, The Effectiveness of Early Years, RE & Collective Worship.

Term of Office: Expires 23/02/2025

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: School Business Manager

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee) 100%


Jenny Weston

Staff Governor

Term of Office: Expires 31/12/2027

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee) NA


Luke Bottomley


Responsibilities / Committees: Business Committee, Quality of teaching, learning & assessment, Personal Development, Behaviour & Welfare, Outcomes for pupils,  The Effectiveness of Early Years.

Term of Office: Ongoing

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: Married to Teacher

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee) NA


Katie Pengelly

Clerk to Governors
