Read to page 222 of Holes
In class today, we will be continuing our Non-Chronological Reports about giants. Please use any of the information we gathered from Dr Hugh Joger last week (which can be found on the class website) and write the conclusion and did you know sections for your chosen giant. Think about the AP sentence types we have looked at and the scientific vocabulary we could include. Try to keep your writing formal.
Today we are continuing with our topic of area on mymaths, finding the area of parallelograms. Please use the online lesson to help you if you are unsure. You will find your username and password on the inside cover of your pink exercise books that went home yesterday.
Also use ttrockstars to help practice your times tables, the username and password can be found in the same place.
We are continuing to look at the stories from the Gospel. This is week we are thinking about the story of Peter. Watch the video clip showing the story.
Why did Jesus deny Peter?
Draw a timeline of the story of Peter and mark on the feelings Jesus might have towards Peter at each point.
Think about the moral of the story and how Jesus forgave Peter no matter how many times he denied him. Think of a time in your life that you might have been forgiven or forgave others multiply times.