This week, we are going to do some research and writing about cheetahs and big cats. There are some words linked to cheetahs - check that you understand them all. If there are any you're not sure of, have a look in a dictionary (or an online dictionary) to find the meanings. There are also some questions that you can answer/research.
Today, we are going to do some research about cheetahs. There is some information on the page below and some questions, but you may like to look at other websites/books to find out about cheetahs. There are a few questions to answer and a factfile to create - you can use the template on the sheet, or you could create your own.
Your job today is to do some research into one of the other 'big cats', like lions, tigers, jaguars, leopards, snow leopards, cougars. You can draw your chosen big cat and then find some facts about it - you can use the internet and/or books to research. There is a fact file template below or you can create your own.
Your task over the next two days is to have a go at writing your own poem, story or letter. You can choose which one you'd like to do - and you can do more than one if you'd like to! But we are happy for you to just choose one.
If you look back to last week's English when we wrote a letter, there is a letter checklist to help you if you choose a letter.