What are food chains?
How are living things dependent on others?
What happens to a food chain if the number or a certain species increases or declines?
What happens to food chains when habitats are destroyed?
Food chains in the rainforest
Who eats what or who in the rainforest?
A food chain shows how different species are linked by what they eat (consume). For example some food chains might be:
decaying leaf -> earthworm -> shrew -> owl
oak leaf -> caterpillar -> blue-tit
grass -> cow -> human
grass -> zebra -> lion
green plant -> slug -> frog
Use the sheets below to make your own rainforest food chains to show this.
Rainforest in a box
Use what you have learned this half term about the layers of the rainforest, the food chains in the rainforest and changes to these habitats to create your own rainforest in a box.
For those of you who like a plan to follow, we have attached instructions below. But do feel free to follow your own creativity and use your own ideas and what you can find at home. You can also see a couple of fabulous boxes that Mia H and Grace have made in our Rousseau Jungle art gallery.
It would be great if you could add labels to show the food chain and layers, and any other information. You may want to base your rainforest on The Amazon Rainforest, or choose the creatures of the Daintree Rainforest in Australia, or another rainforest of the world.
Please send us photographs and keep them safe, so you can bring them in and share them when we return to school.
Today is Safer Internet Day. There are three videos that you can watch: one about our responsibilities, one about checking facts and one about checking reliability of messages.
If you would like to have a look at any other resources to help with keeping safe online, there is a home learning pack available here.
As usual, please complete a PE related activity. This might be a walk or cycle ride with your family, or you may prefer to find an online workout like Joe Wicks to complete.
Please also practise your times tables - you could use the times tables olympics sheets or TT Rockstars.
Finally, click here to try a fun quiz to see if you can spot the rainforest animals amongst the decoys!
Following on from last week's lesson, on the Ten Commandments, we would like you to create your own set of rules that you think would help to make the world a safe and happy place to live. You could design your own templates to write your set of rules on.
For today's PSHE/RSHE lesson, we would like you to create your own positivity jar. You could draw a jar and write inside it, or you could find a jar (or a box, or anything similar!) and decorate it to put slips of paper inside. Think about anything positive you can include: it might be positive things about you (like being kind, being a good friend etc) or it might be positive things about this lockdown (like spending more time with family).
We have also included a rainforest word search for you to complete - just for a bit of Friday/end of term fun!