It must have been the hottest day of the year, not a cloud in sight. A few technical hitches like programmes being stuck at a post office depot and the Pimms stall running our of lemonade but all was resolved as the TSF pulled off a wonderful, village fete. Opened by our very own County cricketer, Alfonso Thomas, followed by the fancy dress competition and maypole dancing and flamborough sword.
Lots of old fashioned stalls, and some new ones like NERF, plus the more traditional cream teas, skittles, toy tombola and raffle. Games included welly wanging and tug-o-war - although some of the rules had been changed - there were more than eight people on each side of the rope.
Music included singing from Oak Class and live music from an accordian and a more modern guitar and drum act. We also celebrated the recent engagement of our two teachers, Mr Bottomley and Miss Lown.
However a magnificently successful day. Thank you to the TSF for your organisation and to everyone for supporting us.