
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Wednesday 26th January


This week, we will continue to learn about how to solve division calculations. Today we will look at how to divide a 4-digit number by a 1-digit number. Click here to watch a video lesson and then have a go at the questions below. smiley


We are continuing with our writing for The Nowhere Emporium this week.


Today is our final sentence stacking day so you will need to split your paper into a 'thinking side' and a 'writing side'. We are going to be writing sentences to describe what happens next inside of the emporium. 



Learning chunk 1 - Simile

Firstly, look at the red colour thesaurus (below) and collect your favourite synonyms for 'red'. Then, pair each synonym with a negative adjective e.g. bitter cherries, rough garnet, poisoned apple, sour currant. 


Learning chunk 2 - Ellipsis

  • Gather a bank of synonyms for 'looked' e.g. glimpsed, noticed, stared, watched, peeped, peered.
  • Collect a bank of 'nervous' actions e.g. fumbled, twitched, gulped.


Learning chunk 3 - Adjectives

Yesterday, the little man in the shop disappeared behind the curtain. For our final learning chunk we are going to describe the man's smile as he is looking through a gap in the curtain. 

  • Gather negative adjectives for the man's smile e.g. menacing, sneering, wry, devious, smug, thin, false, evil. 



Learning chunk 1  - Simile

Teacher model: With one touch, the silver magpies turned into rubies as red as poisoned apples


Learning chunk 2 - Ellipsis

Teacher model: Daniel stared around the shop, gulped and raced outside...


Learning chunk 3 - Adjectives

Teacher model: Peering through a gap in the curtain, the little man watched with a smile: sly, devious and menacing
