Daily Zoom
Don't forget we have got our hour-long session on Zoom today, between 12 and 1pm. We will have a look at our work from today (particularly our comic strips) and will then discuss some of the special activities that will be happening this week as part of World Book Week. We talked on Friday about sharing some of our favourite books and possible even reading out some short sections, so if you would like to do this make sure you have your favourite book with you.
We will use the same password and meeting ID as usual.
First job is to practice our spellings from last week, so below is the list of spellings. Get an adult or sibling to help test you. How many have you learnt?
Once you have had a go at these, have a little look at our new spellings. All of these spellings have unstressed vowel sounds. This means there are vowels in each word that don't make a sound. Can you find the vowel in each spelling that doesn't make a sound. We will test these on the 8th March when you are all back with us 🎉😁
(20 minutes)
World Book Week
This week is World Book Week, building up to World Book Day which occurs on Thursday.
Across this week our English work will be largely focussed around books. There will be a number of different activities for you to enjoy.
Your first task today is to watch the video here which will get you thinking about the types (or genres) of book you enjoy reading. It will also be useful as it recommends some different books that you may enjoy reading.
The lesson also introduces a new challenge for this week - the 24-Hour Reading Challenge!
At some point this week, we would like you to write down all of the different books/genres that you read within 24-hours. You can choose which day you would like to do this on, as some days may be easier for you. You might want to do it on Friday as part of our Secret Student Reward Day. We would love to see the list of all the things you manage to read and challenge you to try to read a range of different genres, rather than just your favourites!
To help you with this, I have attached some resources from the World Book Day website. Here you can find a number of brilliant audiobooks which you can listen to free of charge
Below is a link to a virtual library! You can click on any of the books in the library and you will be able to listen to the author of each book read one chapter from the story. This is a brilliant way to get a 'feel' for a book and see if it is something you might want to read more of!
(40 minutes)
The writing task for today is one that will hopefully be a bit of fun and it is entirely up to you as to how big you want to make it!
Option 1: On a smaller scale, set up an art session (you could use #DrawWithRob and use either the self-portrait or 'Superhero Bear') and draw or paint a superhero alter-ego, thinking about what you would like to look like if you were a superhero.
Option 2: On a larger scale, you could try to live as your superhero alter-ego for a while.
What does your costume look like? Do you have any gadgets? Can you create these using junk modelling and bits and bobs from home? Act out or even film scenes of heroism. Marvellous! (See what I did there?)
Once you have explored what you would be like as a superhero, can you have a go at making your own comic strip? Draw out some boxes so your page looks like a comic strip (or download and print one here) and draw/write/create a short superhero story, based on your superhero! If you need some inspiration for what you want your comic strip to look like, you might want to head over to the Beano website here and gain a few ideas! It doesn't need to be a complete, finished story, it might just be a one-page section. Feel free to go as big or small as you want with this task!
(60 minutes)
Some maths challenges for the next couple of days for you to have a look at. We will have a look at one of these each day on our zoom sessions and we will pop the answers up on the website on Wednesday.
Your task is to have a go at 3 challenges a day: most of them are fairly open challenges and require you to work logically through the problem. These might take a fair bit of perseverance, maybe a little trial and error. You might be lucky enough to come on to one solution straight away, which is great. Some ask you to find more than one possible solution.
If you are stuck, remember the first question to ask yourself is what is the same, what is different? What do I know and what information to I need to know next?
There are 8 challenges here and they will be the same 8 tomorrow, so you have to choose 6 of these across the two days - if you manage more that is fantastic. On the opposite side of that, if you have persevered with one problem for 50 minutes, then you won't get three done today and that is fine.
(50 minutes)
Our challenge continues this week, we have made a few changes to the list, including a couple of new activities. Your efforts last week were amazing so keep them coming. Let us know the things you have done via email before Friday and we will see if Ollie can keep hold of first place. Hopefully there are a few things on there for everyone to enjoy, pictures (emailed or tweeted in) are encouraged along with participating family members. We particularly enjoyed your cooking videos (we saw 4 excellent examples).
Activities worth points:
20 min walk - 30 points
40 min walk - 60 points
1 hour walk - 100 points
2km run - 50 points
4km run - 100 points
Joe Wicks workout (or similar) - 100 points
Family press up challenge – 40 press ups by at least 2 members of your family - 100 points
5 x 1 minute plank - 50 points
15 minutes of sport practice - 25 points
Gymnastics challenge - 20 forward rolls across the week - 100 points
Cycling > 5k - 50 points or 10k - 100 points
Cook a healthy snack for the family - 50 points
Help cook tea for the family - 100 points
Send in a cookery video of you making a meal for the family - 150 points
Play two games from the Youth Sports Trust website - 40 points
Win two games from the Youth Sports Trust website - 50 points
Play four games from the Youth Sports Trust website - 80 points
Win four games from the Youth Sports Trust website - 100 points
Skip for more than 1 minute - 40 points
Skip for more than 3 minutes - 100 points
Step up challenge - use the bottom step of your stairs to step on with both feet then off with both feet for 3 minutes - 50 points
(60+ minutes)