Don't forget we have spellings to practice, reading homework due in and poems to learn this week.
We are continuing our look at Pie charts today, looking at how to read them when they are linked with percentages. Watch the video here and have a go at the sheet below. Remember circles have 360 degrees in them.
We are continuing our look at poetry, using the oak academy to help us. We are continuing to look at the poem The Listeners by Walter De La Mere, focussing on deciphering the poems meaning and how that can be used to answer some comprehension questions.
Watch the lesson here and have a go at answering the questions.
We are thinking ahead to next half term and our history topic there, which will be Ancient Greece. This will be a fascinating topic, as the Greeks did so many amazing things. The olympics, government, theatre and many more, were all things the Ancient Greeks were famous for starting or improving.
Our job today is to get an idea about what Greece looks like now and where it is in the world. So here is a link to a video about ancient and modern Greece, where it can be found on a map and the sort of climate there.