
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Welcome to Beech Class

We are a mixed class of Foundation Stage and Year 1 children.

Our Class Teacher is Miss Lodge and our teaching Assistants are Mrs May, Mrs Cockings, Mrs Escott and Mrs Huxtable.

What a fun science day! We enjoyed making big bubbles outside! The children took part in other activities as well to learn about rocks, density and slime!

To start our 'Journeys' topic we all packed our hand luggage, boarded a plane and travelled to four different countries!

Dancing for Sport Relief!

Still image for this video

For Safer Internet Day we talked about E-Safety and made a jigsaw pledge to be positive online! 'Create, Connect and Share Respect'

Beech and Ash class had so much fun when the ambulance came to visit!

We had our 'WOW' starter for English this week! We searched the playground for clues for our new story - Can you guess what it is?

Thank you for such a lovely first term in Beech class. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

A parent has kindly handmade a beautiful mud kitchen for our EYFS outdoor area!!

We visited All Saints Church to see why it is such a special place.

Today Foundation Stage children went to their first whole school assembly with 'Dunk' the dog and Mr Strange.

Year 1 Parent Meeting Sept. 2017

EYFS Curriculum Meeting Powerpoint September 2017

Each term we provide a Curriculum Overview to share with parents what we shall be doing in class

EYFS Information 