
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Monday 8th June


Please visit White Rose Maths Hub and look at Summer Term week 7. Today we are looking at finding a rule. 

Quick SPaG


This week we are going to continue thinking about doors from last week. 


Read this extract from The Snow-Walker's Son by Catherine Fisher. You can listen to the extract here

Please answer the following questions about the extract: 


1. The door was the last one in the corridor. What is the significance of the word last? Can you think of another context where the word last has a significant meaning? e.g. the last chance.
2. How do the opening lines (in bold in the extract) set the mood of the story? What are your immediate impressions?
3. Having spent a great deal of time reflecting on the significance of doors and their appearance, what does this description suggest to you?
4. Why has Fisher described the iron chain as being ‘hefty’?  What could the significance of this word be in the context of the story?
5. Darkness and a damp smell oozed through the black slit. How does this make you feel as a reader?  What is the relevance of both darkness and a damp smell?  Do either of these surprise you; if so, why? 


Today's lesson looks at exploring emotions in music. You'll look at different colours in music and how different pieces of music can make us feel different emotions. 

Click here to access the lesson. 
