
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Thursday 4th February

Here is us on Wacky Wednesday in school!


Today we will be revising division.  Make sure that you watch the video that goes with the lesson.  You can also use the place value counters on MathsBot to help if you need to.  Use the methods shown in the lesson.


In the Zoom later, I will be showing you how to use the bus stop written method to help you prepare for next week's work.  We will be doing lots of practise with this method, so don't worry if you don't understand it straight away.  It will all make sense eventually!!  Remember how tricky multiplication was just 2 weeks ago, and how amazing you all are at that method now!!




Read through the PowerPoint about the artist Fazzino.  Then have a go at the activity below.

