
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Week Beginning 3rd Oct

As part of Black History month we read the story ‘Coming to England’ by Floella Benjamin. We talked about what it might be like to go on a long voyage and how you might feel if you got there and not everyone was kind to you.

We packed our suitcases and thought about different ways we can travel. We made buses, cars, camper vans, planes, trains and helicopters!

We found out about a textile designer from Trinidad called Althea McNish. We looked and described some of the repeating patterns in her artwork and then had a go at making our own repeating patterns!

Here are our class Golden Rules we all created together, we can earn pearls of kindness to go in our class bucket! This is the Superstar, Sunshine, Sad cloud and Thundercloud. We each have our own peg and everyday is a new day where we all start on the sunshine.

This week we had our first assembly in the church with Imogen, our curate. She told us the story of Deborah who was a encourager, listener, praiser and peace-maker. Our wonderful year six children did a super job of walking us over to the church safely.

As a part of our Understanding the World we have been exploring the season of Autumn. We also continue to enjoy looking at our baby photos we used for our timelines.

In RE we listened to the Creation Story and then had a go at creating our own animals!
