
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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World Book Day - event week

It is World Book Day on Thursday 4th March. We can't do our usual activities like dressing up, but there are lots of fun activities online (Scholastic Live) that you can join in with. You could:

  • doodle along with Liz Pichon (creater of Tom Gates stories and illustrations) 
  • write like a wizard with Kimberly Pauley 
  • design a witch with Katy Birchall 
  • make everyone laugh with Helen Rutter 
  • book club with Michael Rosen 
  • ... and so many more! 


CLICK HERE to register and see the full list of events. 

Other activities 


Here are some other activities you could try: 


  • Design a costume for your favourite book character 
  • Make a bookmark 
  • Design the ideal place to read 
  • Take a picture of you reading in an unusual place 
  • Copy a book cover as a phone cover/ a postage stamp/ a 2p sized circle 
  • Write a book review 
  • Write a letter to your favourite author 
  • Bake something inspired by your favourite book 
  • Use lego to create a scene or character from your favourite book 

COMPETITION - design a national book token 


You are invited to design a book token, which may be turned into a real life National Book Tokens giftcard and distributed across bookshops nationwide in time for Christmas! There are also lots of book tokens to be won - both by yourself and by school. 


To take part, you need to use the template in the link below and design a brand new gift card. A panel of judges will select a winner and runner-up in each age category: up to 8 years, 9-12 years and 13-16 years. 


Details of the prizes are available, tips for creating your design and how to enter are on this website


The deadline for entries is Friday 2nd April 2021. 

Virtual Library


Click on the link below to see a selection of books. If you click on a book, the link will take you to the author reading a chapter or extract from the book. 
