
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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​Welcome to Rowan Class




Our teachers are Mrs Wilkins and Mrs Trump.

Miss Feltham is our Teaching assistant.



The Rise of the Robots

In the first half of the summer term, we will be investigating robots to find out how they help us. We will be learning about electrical circuits, making our own circuits to control devices, and writing our own computer programmes.

Rowan Class go swimming!

On Tuesdays in the summer term, Rowan Class will be enjoying swimming lessons at Taunton School. Please bring a named towel, costume, goggles and a swim hat, if you have long hair, in a bag each Tuesday.

Our topic for the Summer Term will be Living Things and their Habitats. We will be looking at the basic needs a habitat supplies, why the classification of plants and animals is important, the construction of food chains and gain an understanding of how environments change. 


Spellings - Summer Term - Main Class Lists

We enjoyed learning more about the Romans on our trip to the Roman Baths.

We loved our Egyptian Banquet!

Practice your multiplication skills using our Multiplication Olympics Challenges. Can you complete them in 5 minutes?

The Importance of Communication for your child and their learning
