Keep those entries for the Yew Class Book of Hope coming in (see Friday 1st May if you missed it), we have had a couple so far and they have been fab.
Your spelling task today is attached below, it shows you the pattern of changing -ent words to -ence words. Some of the examples on the list aren't in your spellings this week but all follow the rule and that is what we are hoping to learn.
Hopefully in the lists you made yesterday, you came up with lots of ideas and essentials that will make our author toolkits for writing letters.
The three letters were very different; this is because the relationship with these people were very different. One was a complaint to the owner of a business who the person writing the letter didn't know, one was a letter to a friend and one was to a customer that they didn't know. Who they were writing to affected the formality of the letter and the language they chose.
The first letter we are going to write is to our new secondary schools. The aim of this letter every year is so that they can get to know you, what you do and what you like before you start in September. This letter is a bit more informal, as you will be writing to people who you will get to know quite well over the next 5 years. Use your list (author toolkit), which is below.
Informal Author Toolkit
The school address on the right hand side
Date underneath this
Begin with Dear... or Hello, (this letter could be to your form tutor or to your new buddy)
Ask questions
Write in paragraphs
End with a friendly statement
Name at the bottom
In your letter include questions you might have, things you do inside and outside school, your favourite subjects, special skills, friends you know, siblings you might have there, what you are looking forward to most and any worries you might have.
We have attached a letter heading if you would like to use it. Either download it and type it out or print it off and write on to it.
Please send them to school (either as the document or as a picture) using the school or class email address. We are having a video call with all of the secondary schools in the next couple of weeks so we will pass them over then.
Quite a lot of problems to get through today, so the minimum is to get through questions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 on both sheets and if you want to push yourself or have remembered this all really well and are finding it easy you can do all 14 questions. Remember the video found under Lesson 2 - Comparing and Ordering Fractions on the White Rose Maths website will help you along (
Remember when simplifying fractions - whatever you do to the top number, you do to the bottom number.
3/6 = 1/2 as both the top and bottom have been divided by 3. This is also true when finding equivalent fractions 1/2 = 4/8 as both the top and bottom have been multiplied by 4.
Comparing fractions, when the denominators (bottom numbers) are the same, is easy, the trick is to use your equivalent fraction and simplifying fractions knowledge to make the denominators the same.
We have been looking at light these past two weeks and we have seen some fantastic periscopes and shadow puppets. Today we have an experiment to do.
All you will need is a source of light (like a torch) and your shadow puppets from last week, or we have attached a sheet to show you how to make some animal shapes with your hands.
The question we would like you to investigate is: How do we change the size of the shadow? What makes our shadow of the same object either bigger or smaller?
And most importantly, why does it change? What is happening to the light?
Remember there are a few rules we follow to make sure we are being scientific.
1. You can change/move one variable/thing at a time.
2. All other variables/things must stay the same
3 We must try an experiment more than once to check our result isn't an anomaly/mistake.