
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Year 1

Spring Term 2021


I will upload two new Collins/Big Cat ebooks every week. If you have any issues logging in, please let me know. There are also lots of books for you to choose from on the Oxford Reading Owl website (see the login details below).

Year 1 Zoom sessions will be at 10.30am! smiley

Please use the same link that was emailed to you for our initial meeting on 8th January.

Information about extra books/resources sent home:
  • A home handwriting book which you can use to practise your Spelling Shed word lists in your best handwriting.
  • A phonics practice book which is filled with phonics activities which you can use whenever you would like to practise your phase 5 phonics.
  • A stapled booklet with alternative pronunciations. This booklet has grids to show the different sounds that letters can make (we have learnt all of the alternative pronunciations in our phonics lessons).

 *You could find words in your ebooks to sort and write into the grids or use Cheeky Chimps and Acorn Adventures to find words to sort into the grids.
