We are going to start planning our story today and tomorrow. Below are the planning sheet that we will use and the graph to map how the main character is feeling at each plot point.
There is also our class plan for the story that Mr Bond and Miss Grammer will write alongside you writing yours - this might give you a few ideas if you are struggling!
There is a homework on My Maths for you to have a go at - money calculations.
We are going to be painting landscapes this afternoon. If you have some paint, then you could have a go at painting a landscape. If you don't, use whatever you have available (e.g. colouring pencils, cut up magazines to make a mosaic) to create a landscape.
We didn't complete all of our planning in school yesterday, so we will be continuing with this. If you didn't finish yours yesterday, you could carry on with this as well. If you did complete it, there is a Stone Age grammar booklet below - choose some pages of this to have a go at. We will start writing our stories tomorrow.
We have got a proper challenge for you today in maths. Using our knowledge of money, addition, subtraction and multiplication. On my maths we have set you a homework called money problems. There are some tricky tasks on there so make sure you write out your methods one a piece of paper each time.
Today we are continuing our look at rock and soils and the different types of rocks there are. We know that most of the rocks around us our sedimentary rocks and Stone Age people used these to great affect, especially flint. We have talked about the three different types if rock this half term (sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous).
Follow the link here to use the BBC bitesize page to find out some more about how the different rocks are made. Watch the video - with our friend and his giant beard - have a go at the matching game and the quiz.
We have moved on to another text this week, a non-fiction piece on the different phases of the Stone Age. Below are some questions for you to have a go at over the next few days, after reading the text below.
Today we are going to have a go at some word problems that involve giving change. This means we will need to use our column addition to find out how much it will cost and then find the difference (take away) from how much we pay.
There are 3 different challenges below - 1 is the easiest and 3 is the hardest. Then can you challenge yourself with the extra questions.
Please have a go at writing your first paragraph from your plan (plot point 1 - the opening). Here is ours to give you an idea:
A remarkable thing once happened to me. It all started when my brother broke my favourite toy. I was angry. So angry that I stormed out of the house and ended up roaming in the countryside on my own. The sun was beaming over the fields, making the flowers look like spilled glitter as they caught the light. At that moment, I tripped and fell and found myself falling further, further, further.
We are looking at something called weathering this week. Thinking about how the weather we experience changes the land around us.
Have a look at the video here that will explain what the weather can do to the land.
Today we are continuing the look at money calculations. Using the information we have been given to work out what the question is asking us and what operations we need to do.
Have a go at the sheets below.
Have a go at writing the second paragraph of our story - "meet a stranger" on the plan. Here is ours to give you an idea:
As I opened my eyes, I was in a dim, cold place. There was a hint of daylight peeping through a crack in the wall and I could hear the distant sound of a bird calling. I realised I was lost. Awfully lost. Horribly, terribly lost. All of a sudden, I glimpsed a person moving and my eyes came into focus to see a strange looking boy. He didn’t look like the boys I knew. He had scraggy, messy hair and wore a dirty, chestnut brown tunic.
“Um, hello there, I’m Sophie,” I said uncertainly. The boy peered back at me through his long, unruly hair. Then he made a noise like,
Ug motioned for me to follow him. I wasn’t sure if I should, but I didn’t know what else to do. He took me back to a strange looking place and more strange looking people.
We are going to think about some of the things we have looked at in RE this half term and the messages Jesus told through his actions and stories.
We are going to think about what kind world Jesus would have wanted?
Your task today is to have a think about what kind of place Jesus would have wanted the world to be. Draw and label the things that you think should be in a perfect world and what the people would be like.