
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Easter Holiday Activities

Hello everyone! We hope you are all doing ok and staying positive, supportive and happy. We are missing you very much, but it has been lovely to hear from some of you over the last few weeks. Hopefully you are finding the work ok - not too tricky, not too easy. 

We are now into our Easter Holidays, although it doesn't really feel like much has changed. Mr Bond, Mr Bottomley and Mrs Pearson are all still coming into school at different times to help those children who need to come in and I am sure you are all getting into a bit of a pattern at home. 

We have decided to set some 'optional' activities for you to try over the next fortnight. 

Please feel free to give as many or as few of them a try as you would like. 

We hope we will get to see you all soon.

Look after yourselves and your families, stay safe and keep busy. Keep in touch with your friends and share the moments of happiness you are experiencing.


Over the next two weeks, you may like to choose one of these writing tasks.

They are based around genres we have looked at already this year.


1. Biography - Can you research, plan and write a biography about a family member, friend or somebody famous? What information will you need to collect? How will you structure it?


2. Diary - Can you keep a diary, writing down what you do each day? Make sure you include lots of emotions, telling how you are feeling. Just think - wouldn't it be amazing to look back on when you are a grown-up!


3. Persuasive Text - Can you write a persuasive letter, to convince your grown ups, friends or teachers of something that you would like to do when everything gets back to normal? Think about what you are missing doing and why you would like to do it. Consider the persuasive language you could use in your letter and the formality you would like to include. 



Continue to read Wonder, up to page 185 (end of part 4)


1. Can you précis what has happened to August so far in the book?


2. Draw a timeline of the book so far. Below the timeline you can write the different things that have happened to August throughout the story. Above the timeline you can write how August is feeling at different points in the story.


Also, if you have read a really good book in the last few weeks, think of a friend from our class who you think would like it. Ask your grown up if you can call them or send them a letter, message or email to recommend it to them. 



Once you have logged into MyMaths, you can access the 'Library' section. This contains access to all online lessons and worksheets. Please choose the areas you would like some more practise at. If you would like some mixed practice, feel free to use the section called 'KS2 SATs booster'. There are also some really useful 'Booster packs', which contain a range of questions and tasks. 

You can also use TT Rockstars to practise your fluency.



Visit to find a really great range of activities. How many can you do?



Continue to join in with Joe Wicks and his PE workouts. Can you do them all? Mr Bond hasn't missed one yet! 



Here are some really good science activities that you could try with your family!
