Daily Plan -30/03/20:
Hello! I hope you are all well and enjoying learning from home. We are all missing you very much!
Below are some activities that you might wish to try today. You can do them in any order and spend as long or as little on each.
Look at p.12 of your reading booklet. Read the Poem 'Daddy Fell into the Pond.'
Have a go at creating a comic strip to tell the story of the poem. You will need at least 3 pictures, and a maximum of 6. Try to include speech bubbles in each picture of what you imagine the characters would be saying.
Try to answer questions 1-4 in your reading booklet. I have included a copy of the poem, in case you didn't get a booklet.
Maths Activities:
My Maths
TT RockStars
There is a fantastic home learning lesson to accompany the worksheet below. With an adult, check out the following link. If you don't have access to a printer, you could talk through each question with an adult or older sibling. Remember, you can also use your learning log to record any jottings or answers.
This task can be carried out over a couple of days.
I have included a PowerPoint about nutrition and healthy eating. Use the information to create a poster to help children understand why they need a healthy diet, and how they can do this.