
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Week beginning 24th January

English/Guided Reading 


Find the story in the document above with 3 stars at the bottom and answer the following questions: 


E - What time of day do you think it is at the start of the story? (remember to include why you think this!) 


E - At the start of paragraph 5, it says "Red Fingers shook her head again and dipped a second finger into the paint." Why did Red Fingers shake her head? 


E - Why do you think Red Fingers is called Red Fingers? (remember to include your reasons in your answer) 



Today we are looking at division for the first time. There is a new homework on mymaths to have a go at. It has some questions that involve you sharing into different sized groups. 


33 divided by 3 means there are 33 things shared equally between 3 people. How many do they get each? 




See if you can remember the 10 instrument names that you have learned over the last 2 weeks. How many can you remember? See if you can find them all in the worksheet below and work out which one is missing. There is a list below of all the instruments as well in case you have forgotten any. 





Remember to change the bold parts of the model sentences. There is a grid below to help you out. 


Learning chunk 1: collect conjuctions for opposition e.g. although, however, even though. Collect some words for how the people looked to our character - e.g. strange, weird, unusual, unfamiliar. 

Model sentence - Although they looked strange too, they were kind and offered me some food.


Learning chunk 2: click here and listen to the sound of cooking - collect some onomatopoeia words (words that sound like the sound they are making - crash, bang, pop) e.g. crackle, sizzle, pop, hiss, fizz. Then gather some words to show that the people all sat together - e.g. gathered, congregated, grouped. 

Model sentence - We gathered together around the campfire. Crackle! Hiss! Pop!


Learning chunk 3: watch this advert of delicious food and gather some ideas of what happens when we are feeling hungry and see something we'd like to eat - e.g. lick your lips, tummy rumbles. Then think about the types of food eaten in the Stone Age and make a list - e.g. stew, deer, fish. Next, please think of some adjectives to describe the food - e.g. delicious, mouth-watering, heavenly. If you can think of some words that would pair with the foods for some alliteration - even better! 

Teacher model - I licked my lips at the thought of the succulent steaks, crispy, chunky chops and fresh, flavoursome fish.



We are continuing our work on division today we will be drawing out our counters to help us share our numbers EQUALLY into groups. 


Have a look at the questions below and see if you can see what they have done right or wrong when sharing their counters equally. 



Below is another question to have a look at, can you work out these problems - remember to draw out your counters to help. 




Today in art we are looking at cave paintings from the stone age and what sort of artists they were. Below are some examples of cave paintings from the Stone Age they painted what was around them and what they saw while they were out hunting or gathering. 


We would like you to have a go at 2 paintings - one inspired by what the Stone Age people will have seen and painted and one in the style of Stone Age but with what you see outside your house now. 


Remember Stone Age artists will only be able to use certain colours (reds, browns, greens, blacks). 





We are carrying on with our division today, looking at sharing numbers in to equal groups. We have a couple of challenges to get your brains going this morning. The Venn diagram asks which numbers divide by 3 or 4 with no remainders (this means there are none left over). 




Below there are a few division word problems for you to have a look - don't forget to use your pictures to help you. 





Learning chunk 1: collect time adverbials e.g. early the next morning, at dawn, at sunrise, when the sun peeped its head over the horizon, as the sun's rays started to shine (remember a comma at the end!). 

Model sentence - Early the next morning, Om showed me around the camp. 


Learning chunk 2: think about the sorts of jobs that Stone Age people would have done – making fires, striking flint, cleaning animal skins, sharpening bone. 

Model sentence - People busied themselves: striking flint to make flames, skinning deer to make caramel-coloured clothes and shaping bones to make exquisite jewellery.


Learning chunk 3: think back to Friday and gathering words to describe the items we looked at pictures of. We are going to use these to help us to create similes – e.g. fur as thick as a woolly mammoth’s coat, flint shining like a jewel gleaming in the sun, bone necklaces as smooth as pebbles.

Provided sentence – Om’s people have none of the materials we have today. Everything was made of wood, stone, animal skins or bone. Teacher model – I wrapped myself in a thick mahogany auroch’s skin, feeling its soft warmth like a rug laid at the feet of the rising sun.



We are using science and outdoor education today to try and find out what soil is made up of. We are going to use the BBC Bitesize website here to help us. Watch the video and read the information. There are even a couple of quizzes to have a go at. 


Even better than watching and reading about it, is doing it. We will be out in the field having a look at some of the soil, trying to investigate what we could see within it. So if you have a garden why not have a dig - what can you see within the soil? (Remember to ask permission first, don't dig up your Mum or Dad's favourite flowers.)





Learning chunk 1: Collect time adverbials to show that we have moved on to later in the day e.g. later that day, after lunch, a little later on, that afternoon. The character has gone with Om to watch the men fishing. 

Teacher model - That afternoon, we went to the river to watch the men fishing.


Learning chunk 2: gather similes to describe the stillness of the men fishing e.g. like models in a wax museum, like a wild cat waiting to pounce, like soldiers waiting for battle. 

Teacher model - They gripped their spears, perfectly still like soldiers waiting for battle.


Learning chunk 3: gather some onomatopoeic words for the sounds the water makes and the spears make as they hit the water - e.g. whoosh, splash, splat, smack. Then pretend to stab your spear into the water to catch a fish - what words could we use to describe them catching the fish? e.g. pierced, jabbed, poked. Finally, collect words to describe the fish - e.g. silver, gleaming, wriggling, sparkling.  

Teacher model - Swoosh! Whoosh! Splash! Their spears pierced the water, plucking out the wriggling, wrestling, gleaming fish.


Have a go at the questions above. Is there more than one answer for the first one? 



Have a look at this link


You will learn all about climate change and what is happening to the Earth. Have a go at the quiz at the end to see what you have remembered. 



We are really sorry that you are at home and not able to join us for our museum trip. 


We have included some fun activities for you to do today to try and cheer you up! 

You could also have a go at these Stone Age SPaG problems: 

See if you can crack the Stone Age tally code: 
