
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Wednesday 24th June


Please visit the White Rose Maths website and look at 'Summer term - week 9' lesson 3 for today's maths, which is about finding the area of a parallelogram.  

Quick SPaG



If you have been in school for the last couple of days, it might be worth having a quick look at what we have been doing in English. We are thinking about our own gadget and have come up with some ideas about it and drawn a diagram. Today, we are going to organise our ideas into a box-up planner to help structure our writing. You could print this if you have a printer, or just draw it into your book. You can just write your ideas in bullet points or try to draft your writing in sentences - whichever you prefer. The more you get on your plan, the easier your writing will be! 

It is really important, now that you've put together your plan, to have a good read through and check it all makes sense. Why not read it aloud to someone at home and see if they have any suggestions for improvement?


In school and at home this week we are looking at the human body. Today we are concentrating on the skeleton. Click the link below to have a look at some BBC clips about the human skeleton.


Below is a worksheet, can you use the words you are given to complete the paragraph and then research the names of the all the bones on the skeleton. 


If you are able to, why not print out the second document, cut it out and make your own skeleton. 
