Please visit the White Rose Maths website and look at 'Summer term - week 9' lesson 2 for today's maths, which is about finding the area of a triangle.
To help you to get a real picture of what your gadget is like, why not have a go at drawing a diagram of it? Make sure to label your diagram with the different features it offers. As you are drawing, you might come up with new ideas that you haven't thought of yet! Get ready to add them to your plan.
Today we are going to have a look at the water cycle in geography, it will be something you looked at in year 4. We are going to see if we can create our own water cycles within a bottle as well.
Firstly the BBC bitesize website have got a really good video and page to explain the different terminology associated with the water cycle. Words like precipitation, condensation and evaporation, are not words we come across often and a scientific terms that explain the water cycle. Click the link below to find out about them.
We can see the water cycle on a smaller scale if we use a clear plastic bottle and fill it a quarter full of water. Leave the bottle with the top on in a sunny window sill, watch as the water within the bottle travels on the water cycle. In the picture below, they have drawn clouds and seas on their bottle to to show where the water could be. They have even added a drop or two of food colouring so you can see the water more clearly (this is an option but don't worry if you don't have any).