
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Friday 20th March

Today we will set new homework and spellings on the class page of our website. Make sure you have a look at this so you know what to complete in your books.



Ask a family member to test you on the spellings which you have been learning this week (Week 4 on the spelling section of our class website).



Read to the end of Holes. Evaluate the book, telling somebody at home what happened and whether you enjoyed it or not. Why? 



Hopefully you have finished writing your Giant Non-Chronological Report. If so, make sure you have thoroughly edited and up-levelled it so it is as accurate and informative as possible. When you are happy with it, think about how you would like to present this information to a family member. You could make a poster, or use the computer to create a powerpoint presentation which you could deliver to somebody in your family. Think about adding drawings or photos along with a caption. 



Today we are looking at finding the volume of cuboids on mymaths. Please use the online lesson to help you if you are unsure. You will find your username and password on the inside cover of your pink exercise books that went home yesterday. 

Also use ttrockstars to help practice your times tables, the username and password can be found in the same place. 



Follow these links to find a workout to help keep you active at home.


P.S. Joe Wicks will be leading a workout every morning at 9am on his YouTube channel, starting from Monday 23rd. You might want to make it part of your morning routine!
