
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Welcome to Oak Class

We are the pupils of Year 3. 

Mrs Wedlake and Mrs Bujniewicz are our class teachers

and Mrs Miller, Mrs Davies and Mr Parkes are our Teaching Assistants.

Electricity topic, the finished torches and magnet investigation.

Why Is Communication So Important?

Here is the PowerPoint used in the meet the teacher session run by Mrs Wedlake on Thursday 13th March.

This is the general timetable for our class. There may be occasions when the timetable is altered, for example, when we have visitors or go out on trips it may affect the rest of the week's timetable. We hope you find it useful.

Each term we issue an overview of the curriculum during the term. This gives parents/carers the opportunity to talk about these topics at home with their child, or perhaps arrange a family outing to increase awareness and understanding of a subject.
