
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Monday 22nd June


Please visit the White Rose Maths website and look at 'Summer term - week 9' lesson 1 for today's maths, which is about area and perimeter. 

Quick SPaG


Following on from last week. now comes the fun part! You need to come up with your own gadget. Here are a few ideas to choose from, however, if you have your own idea, go for that! 

It can be very helpful to gather your ideas into sections to help you plan. Start jotting them down under the headings below. The more the better as you can choose your best soon: 

Who is the gadget for? 

Catchy name for the gadget 




Key reason for purchasing


This week we are looking at the human body both in school and at home. We have a challenge for you to prepare for today and make on Friday. 


An important part of your body is your diet. What you put into your body to make it work effectively. Today we are going to think about the sorts of things we should be eating. Below is an eat well guide, it shows the sorts of foods we should be eating each day, with the bigger sections making up more of the food. So the fruits and vegetable (green section) and the carbohydrates (yellow section) will make up most of your plate. With dairy (blue) and proteins (pink) also being important, with everyone needing a small amount of fats and sugars (purple) as well. 


We would like you to design your own plate of food for Friday, make a shopping list and write down a recipe. Ask your parents for their help in keeping you plate balanced and making sure all the people in your household will be able to enjoy it. Then Friday you can make your gourmet meal for everyone. 
