You have completed two activities over the last two days, thinking about our rules this week. Today it is time to practice this week's spellings. You can do that through spelling shed or a piece of paper using the look, cover, write, check method.
Have a look at the images below - they are all newspaper headlines and front pages from VE Day. How do you think the people felt? What was the mood of the nation?
After yesterday, where we learnt a bit more about VE day and why it is celebrated across Europe, today we are going to write a letter to someone in our community: a neighbour, a relative or a friend who you know is alone at the moment. Now these letters are going to be a bit more formal; we might not know the person as well, they might not be someone we talk to very often. So our toolkit will be slightly different. See if you have the same things written down from Monday as we have below.
Formal letter author toolkit
Dear Sir or Madam or Dear Mr ... or Mrs... (if you know their name)
Introductory paragraph (I am writing to tell you about ....)
Formal language (no contractions or slang)
Concluding paragraph (I hope this letter has...)
Yours faithfully (if you started Dear Sir/Madam) or Yours Sincerely (Dear Mr... or Mrs ...)
We have attached the letter heads below, as we don't want you using your address if you aren't writing to a friend or relative. We hope that your letters brighten up the day of someone in your area that would not have someone to celebrate with, on what was suppose to be a big community day of celebration.
We continue working our way through the fractions we have been looking at, adding and subtracting mixed number (whole numbers and fractions). These are a bit trickier as sometimes you might have to work with improper fractions but the method is exactly the same as yesterday. Use your equivalent fraction knowledge to make the denominators the same, then you can add or take away the numerators. Remember when finding equivalent fractions, what ever you do to the bottom you have to do to the top.
Questions 6, 7 and 8 are the trickier questions but think about what you need to know and remember the method for adding or subtracting 3 fractions is the same as adding or subtracting 2. Break it down into small steps and write it out as you go.
The video on the White Rose website is there to help you, we are on lesson 4 of week 3.
Last week we sketched for detail; you chose an eye or a hand to sketch to focus on the detail you can show in your piece of work. Today we are going to use that and think about how those in the Kingdom of Benin used art and sculpture to tell stories. They wouldn't show every scene of the story, just the main themes and images. These would jog their memory so they could verbally tell the detailed story.
Below are a few examples of pottery and carvings from Benin. Firstly, can you imagine the story they would tell from it. Who are the main characters and what is their journey?
Secondly, could you design a pot that would have an image of a more modern story on it so that if we didn't have books or computers, people could tell the story in hundreds of years time?
Your pot could be any shape and might have 2 or 3 images of different scenes on it but these images would encapsulate the story and jog the storyteller's memory.