
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Week beginning 28th March





We are moving onto looking at fractions in maths and we're going to start by looking at equal and unequal parts. There are some questions for you to have a go at below: 



We are going to be doing a short piece of writing today to see what skills we can remember to use. We will be watching the first 1m 11s of the short film 'Feast' and then writing the story of what we have seen, thinking about what might happen next. Think about the lenses that we usually use to write for inspiration. These are below to help you: 




We will be doing our weekly spelling test in school - see if a grown up at home can test you on last week's spellings with the ly endings. 


Here are this week's new spellings for you to have a look at: 



Can you draw a bowl of fruit and label as many as you can remember? 





Today we are going to be looking at recognising a half. There are some questions below for you to try: 



Today we are going to start thinking about writing our own non-chronological reports. Have a think back to the shapes that we found at the beginning of looking at these and remind yourself of the features of a non-chronological report. We are going to link our reports to our Stone Age topic, so we will be writing about a Stone Age animal. You could choose a mammoth, a deer or a sabre tooth tiger. Please then carry out some research on your chosen animal - see if you can find out some amazing facts to wow us with! Remember to think about using as much expert language as you can, so that you will have a good glossary to complete at the end. 



How do our muscles work? 

Today we are going to be looking at how our muscles work. Visit the BBC Bitesize page here, watch the video and complete the quiz. 

Guided Reading 


We are looking at a new text in Guided Reading, to see how the camel got his hump. Have a read through - did you enjoy it? What is a fable? 

What is the meaning of: 







Today we are using all the information we found about our animals yesterday to plan our non-chronological report. You need to have a think about what you are going to talk about in your special paragraphs - will it be diet, appearance or habitat - you can also decide whether you are going to do 2 or 3 special paragraphs. 


Use the planning sheet below to help you. 

Spellings Activity



Today we are looking at quarters - after looking at a half yesterday. Remember a fraction is split into EQUAL sections and the bottom number tells you how many EQUAL bits there are. So a quarter (1/4) will have 4 EQUAL sections and one will be coloured in. Can you have a go at the questions below. 



We are continuing our look at animations this half term - we will be using an app called iMotion for the first time today. If you have access to this why not try and make your own flip book like we did in school but with photographs instead of drawings. Remember only small movements between each photo. 





Today we start writing our non-chron report on our chosen animal. I have gone for a sabre tooth tiger. We  will be concentrating on our title, hook and introduction this morning. I have written my below so you can use it to think about the things we have previously used and how we can share our wonderful information with our reader. 


Have a look, then see if you can write you first two sections. 



On my maths we have set 4 pieces of homework on fractions and the things we have covered this week. They start off easy and get gradually harder. Have a go and we can see how you have been getting on at home this week. 



Today we would like you to create a picture of the animal you are writing about in your report. we don't know what you have at home so this could be a drawing, painting or a collage. What ever you have access to and can use around the house. Create a picture of your chosen animal to form the centre piece of your non-chronological report. 





Today we are going to be completing our special paragraphs for our non-chronological report. I have planned to do two special paragraphs on diet and appearance so I have written my subheading and then filled my paragraphs with as much expert language as I could manage. Can you have a go at doing the same? Mine is below, use it to help. 



Today we are finding a quarter, the denominator (bottom number) is 4 so to find a quarter you have to share your number in to 4 groups. 


One quarter (1/4) of 8 = 2  


Have a go at the questions below and see how you get on. 



Today we are going to be thinking about the importance of standing up for what you believe in. Jesus was hung on the cross as he stood up for the word of God. When he was captured by the Roman Soldiers he could have denied supporting what God has said but he stood up for what he believed in, he did it in a respectful and calm way. 


Today in class we are going to be thinking about what we would stand up for, what things do we think are important and care a lot about. Below are some ideas - can you think about what you care deeply about and how you would stand up for it. 
