Coronavirus update
UPDATE 18/3/20
As you may have seen in the news, it has been decided that all schools will close at the end of Friday 20th March 2020 until further notice for all children other than those of key workers. Your child(ren) have been sent home with a pack of work (on Thursday) to keep them going during the next two weeks until the Easter Holidays. Please be aware that what they bring home with them is expected to last for those two weeks and no more work will be provided. We will await updates from the government around when schools open again and, if they do not open after the Easter Holidays, we will begin putting work on this page then. If you have any queries about the work, please email the school office.
We have not provided any specific PE activities, but there are plenty of activities available online. Joe Wicks (The Body Coach) has released lots of workouts aimed at children, which are available on YouTube (click here for an example). He is also running a daily workout activity for children on his YouTube channel at 9am. GoNoodle also has lots of activities, including some mindfulness sessions. There is also always a traditional run around the garden! Inspired 5 have also offered free access to their website to lots of physical activities.
If you are self-isolating with your family, please take the time to enjoy reading books, magazines, comics, non-fiction. Remember that the library allows you to borrow E Books which means you don't need to leave the house to have access to new reading material. (It also has a large selection of magazines on line for grown ups too!) This could also be a great time to listen to stories on CD or a platform like Audible.
Remember there is a lot of poetry available on line. Find a poem that appeals to you, learn it and perform it to entertain your family. You could also then write it out neatly and illustrate it. Pick a different poem every day! See how many you can master in the time you have!
Please continue to use Spelling Shed to practise your spellings. New spellings will appear each week, so keep logging in and playing games.
In terms of writing, you could begin a diary of your time in isolation. This could be formal and detail all the things you actually do, including your likes and dislikes of being at home - or you could let your imagination run wild and create a diary entry each day for fantastical things you'd like to be doing eg exploring the Amazon jungle, visiting a polar bear, finding hidden treasure etc etc.
Give yourself the writing challenge of composing a story that has every single one of your spelling words in it - what could your characters get up to? How inventive can you be in fitting in the words you need to practise?
For your maths learning, make sure you log on to My Maths. Any old homework that you have missed will still be available and new activities will be added throughout any isolation/closure period. Remember that you can also do any of the lessons on there if you are stuck with your homework or want to brush up on your general maths skills.
Please also use your TT RockStars log on to keep up those times tables skills. This is a chance to further improve them! There are some fractions questions below that will be some revision of what we have been doing recently in lessons - the answers are in this document too, so please don't be tempted to peek at them before you have had a go! There is also a knowledge organiser about fractions, which might help you.
Remember to take regular breaks from working to keep your concentration fresh. See what you can find to do in the garden to stay fit and get some fresh air.
If you have any issues with remembering passwords, please email the school office and we will send you another copy.
Stay safe. Take care and we will look forward to seeing you when you return.
Mrs Atkins, Miss Grammer & Miss Stead