
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Friday 5th February


Year 1

LQ: How do I count in 2s and 5s?

Today we are learning to count in 2s and 5s. You can think of this as finding 2 more/ 2 less and 5 more/5 less. You could use a 100 square to spot number patterns when you are counting forwards and backwards in multiples of 2 and 5.


There isn't a White Rose maths teaching video today. Intead, you could use the counting super mover video to practise counting in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s! laugh

Maths Challenges

If you would like to challenge yourself, there are some great questions below that involve using your reasoning and problem solving skills. You could answer one/two of these on paper or in your home learning exercise book. smiley

Y2 Maths 

Today we are practising our 5 times-tables and solving problems. 


To warm up, can you practise counting in 5's?

Can you spot any patterns when counting in 5's?

Y2 Maths Challenges



See Monday.


Year 1


Play Tricky Word Trucks and Buried Treasure .


Practise spelling: oh, their, Mr, Mrs



LQ: Which ee? 

Blend for reading: chief




Segment for spelling: field



Practise/ Apply: 


Read and write the sentences on Phonics Play.


Year 2


LQ: How can we write the 'ur' phoneme? 


After w or makes the 'ur' sound. 

Can you remember some more words from yesterday? 



ear in learn


Read and write the words: 


earn   earth   early   search    heard     earlier    earliest



Which is the odd one out in each list?


ear hear earn
fear learn dear



Complete and edit the sentences. 

when we go on the treasure hunt we will __________ for clues
let’s go for a walk __________ in the morning and we will see
the sun rise
our planet is called planet __________
we __________ footsteps coming along the path as we hid in
the bushes playing hide and seek


heard    early    earth    search


