
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Wednesday 20th January


LQ: How can I subtract using a number line?

Today we are going to continue to solve subtraction number sentences using a number line. Remember, you can put your number sentence into a part-whole model to help you find the missing numbers.

You could also use objects that you have at home (buttons, dry pasta, Lego bricks etc.) to help when you are counting back. 

e.g. 12 - 5 = ____   Start with 12 Lego bricks...take 5 bricks away.. How many are left?

Year 2 Maths 


The next two lessons are recapping our learning from Year 1.  

This will help us with our understanding of multiplication and division. 


We are continuing with making equal groups today. 


Remember you can use objects at home to help you. 


LQ: How well can you write the beginning of the story? 

In this lesson, we will begin to write the 'Magic Paintbrush' story focusing on the mood created.


Year 1 Phonics

This will be taught during our zoom lesson. If you can't make it, please use the information below to do the lesson in your own time.


Revisit - Flashcards speed trials (all phases)

            - Reading Robot (phase 5)


Teach - Alternative spelling of /z/ = se.


Blending for reading -     please, tease, cheese



Segmenting for spelling – because, browse


Practise/Apply –

Find the words where the s sounds like z.


Smell the rose.


Do not tease the mouse with that cheese.


Challenge: Write your own sentences using some of today’s words.


Year 2 Phonics

This will be taught during our zoom lesson. If you can't make it, please use the information below to do the lesson in your own time.

LQ: What do we do when we need to change nouns ending in y into plurals?


Phonics Play: Read and write a sentence from Phase 5D.

Recap on yesterday’s words: What do we often add to nouns ending in o to make them plural?




Read words:

donkey, monkey, baby, puppy, chimney, valley, jockey, key, boy, day, mummy, daddy ,cowboy, holiday, daisy, poppy, copy, family,


Recap on what a vowel is and what a consonant is, then sort the words into those that end in consonant y and those that have a vowel before the consonant.



When the noun ends in a consonant before the y, we change the y before and i and add es.

When the noun ends in a vowel before the y, we just add s.

baby  babies

key keys



Make the words above into plurals.



Change the sentences to make the nouns plurals.


The crying baby needs a cuddle with its mummy.


The little boy lost his key.


Note: Some of the other words might need to be changed.
