
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Each week the children in Willow Class will be asked to complete four different tasks for homework:



1. We would like the class to read every day. This should be for at least 10 minutes, but you could alternate reading a page each. By this age, some children prefer to read to themselves rather than out loud, but please ensure you are asking questions about your child's book. These could include questions about the plot, characters, predictions or summaries. Please let us know how they are getting on with their book by regularly writing in their Reading Record.



2. Each week, children will be given 10 words to learn. These will be sent home on a Monday afternoon and can also be accessed through SpellingShed. It is a good idea to regularly practise these spellings as it will help to learn the pattern or develop confidence with new words. We will test these spellings on a Monday morning. 



3. On a Friday, we will set a mathematics task on the MyMaths website. This will usually be focussed on the area of maths we have looked at during the week and will help us to assess the learning of the children. Please can you ensure your children log in to the website and have a go at the homework set - there is even a lesson they can watch if they are less confident within this area of maths.


4. To support their maths, we also encourage children to regularly log in to TTRockstars. This will help them to practise their times table knowledge and can increase the speed of their recall and retention of number facts. This will be vital over the next few years as they will need to use their number knowledge to help support all areas of the maths curriculum and the quicker they are at retrieving number facts, the easier they will find this. 


All log ins have been sent home during the first week of term, but if these have been mislaid or you require any further details, please get in touch via the class email address. 
