Today we will be counting in equal groups and using equal groups to find a total.
We can link this to real life, for example animal legs, wheels, flowers in a vase etc.
What equipment can we use to represent a pattern? Whats the same/different?
Which is more... 3 groups of 10 or 4 groups of 5?
Can you prove it using your own objects?
In this lesson, we will write the ending of our story, the 'Magic Paintbrush, focusing particularly on the mood created.
This will be taught during our zoom lesson. If you can't make it, please use the information below to do the lesson in your own time.
LQ: What is an irregular plural?
Phonics Play: Read and write a sentence from Phase 5D.
Recap on yesterday’s words: What do you do to nouns ending in f and e to make them plural?
Teach: Some nouns change completely when they become plural. Show the word tooth. Ask children how we would say two of them? Show the word teeth. Explain that there are some words that are the same whether it is singular or plural. Look at sheep.
Can the you write the plural for the following words?
tooth, man, person, foot, mouse, police, child, sheep, deer
men, people, , mice, feet, police, children, sheep, deer
Match the words with the plural nouns.
Write the words and their plurals.
Apply: Create sentences which include plural irregular nouns.
Please practise this week's spellings by logging on to Spelling Shed. If you have any issues logging in please email me.
Below, you will find our topic work for the week.
For those children than are still coming into school, please can I ask that you use the days of the week to guide your learning, as you will also be doing these tasks in school on the days that you are in.
For those learning at home full-time, you can choose which day you would like to do each activity