Daily Zoom
Don't forget we have got our hour-long session on Zoom today, between 12 and 1pm. We will have a look at our reading and writing tasks and check in with our maths work.
We will use the same password and meeting ID as usual.
Some correcting for you to do today (you know what Mr Bond's spelling is like) or alternatively have 15 minutes on spelling shed practicing this week's spellings.
(20 minutes)
It's great to hear that lots of you are enjoying our exploration through SPAG this week and we have another couple of videos for you to watch today.
Today we will begin by exploring subject, object and verb. Most sentences will contain these three word classes, but the order in which they are used will change whether a subject is active (doing something) or passive (having something done to it). Watch the video here to get a better idea of what these words mean.
After you have completed that, we will move onto looking at modal verbs. This is an area where children can often get a little bit confused, but once you understand that these verbs tell us how likely (or unlikely) something is to happen, then it becomes a lot easier to get your head around. Watch the video here.
(45 minutes)
We will continue to learn about the Blitz today, focussing particularly on some of the language the author has chosen to use and how effective it is. We will also be comparing two different texts and comparing what is similar and what works well.
Watch the video here and then complete the activities set.
(30 minutes)
Today we are carrying on from yesterday, finding pairs of unknown values. These are open questions again so could have more than one correct answer and we will need to use our logical methods to help find all the possible answers.
Watch the video here for a recap of our algebra and how to logically think about solving the problems.
(40 minutes + ttrockstars)
This half term we are going to be looking at creating our own songs. We are going to be using different instruments, organising them in to a melody and work on writing our own lyrics.
This is a lot of work, but first we need to start at the beginning. What music do you like? Are you a music lover? Would you choose to listen to the radio or stream music over watching TV?
You might not think of yourself as a music person but music and songs have a big impact on our lives even when we don't realise. In your favourite film or TV show the background music changes when the action is frantic or the scene is scary and you feel different because of it. I bet you can sing the tune or song to a product from an advert.
So your task today is to sample as many different genres and types of music as you can. We want you to ask the people in your house or contact people close to you and ask for their favourite songs (age appropriate of course). We want you to listen to them and fill in the table below (you might need to do some research to do this), what makes a good song? Is there a type of genre that you enjoy most? Is that different or the same as the people around you?
Song Title | Artist | Year Released | Genre | Who Recommended it | What I Liked | Rating |
We would like you to listen to 6 songs, one can be your own choice. You might choose to ask for your mum's three favourite songs, get one from different siblings or reach out to Grandparents or Aunties and Uncles.
When we return to school, we will think about what makes a good song and which genre or type of music you want to base your song on.
*genre = rock, country, punk, classical, pop, soul.
(60 minutes)
Last chance to input some points for you and your house in the PE challenge. Send them into the class email before Friday so that they can be counted and we can announce an individual and house winner on our Friday zoom call.
You can get earning points towards next Friday's competition (5th March) from Saturday onwards.