
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Tuesday 17th November


We will be writing the 'Two sides' part of our call to battle the Normans.

Please pick a period of time eg winter, season, hour, year, era etc and then pick feeling antonyms to go with it.

eg It is the winter of heartbreak.

It is the winter of joy.

You will need to write 3 different pairs.

The first is what life is like before the battle and the second is what life is like once the battle is won.

Below is the speech we looked at in school so you can remind yourself of what we've already read.

PSHE - Anti-bullying week

This week is anti-bullying week.  Think about what you could do to help prevent bullying.  Write it on the jigsaw in lovely handwriting and then decorate the puzzle piece.  