Today we are going to check we have learnt our spellings. Either use Spelling Shed to test yourself or ask an adult to test you. Have you learnt our different spellings that all make the same end sound.
Next week's spellings are attached below.
We will have another look at the Book of Hope today, can you read the story entitled 'The Creature in the Cave' on page 233 and answer the questions below.
1. What do you noice about the length of the first few paragraphs on page 234? Why do you think the author has done this? (1 mark)
2. What adjectives were used to describe the creature on page 234? (2 marks)
3. Who's/what's eyes did the story get told from? Why do you think that? (2 marks)
Yesterday you looked at Auggie's first day at school, hopefully you kept a close eye on your use of first person and use of tense. We would love to see them, so send them in to the class email address.
Today we are going to have a go at our own personal diary. Can you either find a space in your exercise book or a separate book and leave 2 or 3 pages spare. Over the weekend (you can do a paragraph a day or it all at once), we would like you to keep a diary. This will be a personal place for you to write down the things you have done and how you felt about the things that are happening in the world.
We will keep working on these next week as well but today and over the weekend, just have a go at writing down your thoughts, feelings and actions, in a diary style of writing.
Remember you can always ask us questions on the class email, we might not be able to answer them all yet but we are here to listen if you are worried or anxious about anything.
It is Friday Maths Challenge time. On the BBC Bitesize website you will find today's maths challenges. Remember questions 3 to 6 are aimed at children aged 7-11 so I reckon we can all have a go at those and all of you could push yourself for question 7 as well. We had a few goes at questions similar to question 6 before lockdown, tricky little questions, remember to work them out step by step - what do you know.
They can bee found at the link below.
Active Friday afternoon time, today we challenge you to beat a personal best at something. It might be the the most keepy-ups you've done, the furthest you've run, fasted you have cycled a certain distance or the most consecutive skipping rope jumps you have done. Find something active and can you be better than you have ever been before.
Remember it might be distance, time, number of just some thing you have done to the best of your ability.
Don't forget we are still putting up Homework Book pages once every two weeks, just to keep everything fresh in your mind.
Find the last three lot of pages at the link below: