
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Tuesday 12th January

Daily Zoom


Don't forget we have got our hour-long session on Zoom today, between 12 and 1pm. We will be concentrating today on our writing as we are starting to plan our persuasion text today. Bring your plan with you and any ideas or questions you may have about it or any other work we have set below. 


We will use the same password and meeting ID as last Friday. 



Spellings today: a couple of choices for you! Below is a word search that if you can print off you can have a go at colouring in, if not see if you can find them on the screen. 


If you would prefer, you can always use your 20 minutes of spelling time on Spelling Shed and see if we can make the top 10 in the world!


Time taken 20 minutes



Chapter 2 today! Read the pages carefully and see if you can answer the questions below. You might need a thesaurus to help answer question 11. 


1. How do you know that time has passed since the end of the first chapter?

2. How do you know that Joey trusts Albert?

3. Why was Joey never able to trust Albert’s father?

4. Why did Albert try and stay with Joey on Tuesdays?

5. Describe the incident between Joey and Father.

6. Why was Albert’s behaviour towards Joey different?

7. Describe how Albert behaved towards Joey.

8. Describe Albert’s mother’s reaction to hearing that war had been declared.

9. Why do you think she reacted in this way?

10. What do you think will happen next?

11. Without using a dictionary and making use of the text within the chapter, define the following words and phrases:


    • pretext (P12)
    • ‘ploughing straight as an arrow’ (P15)
    • ‘That was devilish stupid’ (P16)
    • abundance (P19)


Time taken 40 minutes



Mr Bond's Group


As we have been looking at measure we are going to have one last problem solving day before we move back on to decimals. Measure is a great way of using decimals, as so many of the different measurements have decimal points within their answers. 


To help us problem solve and really challenge ourselves we are going to look at some questions on the oak national academy. This lesson has an introductory quiz, a video lesson and a quiz to end which will test our problem solving and measurement work. 


Follow the link here to find the lesson, some tricky questions within, make sure you check those units. 


If you finish the lesson or want to warm up your brain first then don't forget ttrockstars is there for you to use, your log ins are in the home learning packs. 


Time taken 60 minutes

Mr Bottomley's maths


We are moving away from fractions and on to decimals today. There was a lot of fraction homework set on MyMaths yesterday, so if you need to go back and have a go at the ones you missed, please do. There were 5 set and we can see that only a couple of you managed all 5 yesterday. 


Today's decimal work is a recap of last year, to begin with. We will be looking at the different values of numbers to the right of the decimal point. 


There are 2 videos here and here that will help you answer the two worksheets below. Both are looking at working with numbers up to (or down to!) thousandths. 


Remember our place value columns 

Tens (T) Ones (O) Decimal point (.) tenths (t) hundredths (h)

thousandths (th)


Time Taken 60 minutes



Today we are looking at how we are going to plan our persuasive writing. Mr Brown takes you through how to plan different points, we are looking for 2 or 3 points on your subject to make a persuasive letter. 


Today we are going to plan our persuasive letter. The video, which you can find here, talks about PEPS (Point, Explanation, Proof, Summary), which is something we mentioned last week, although we didn't call it PEPS. Making your point, give a reason as to why it is important and then proof about why it would make a difference to lots of people. 


This week we are going to write a persuasive letter about why school uniform should be compulsory, to get our technique right, before then writing one on a subject you are passionate about. 


So watch the video, see the points Mr Brown comes up with and then see if using the grid below you can plan your argument for why school uniforms should be compulsory. You can draw the plan out into your book if that is easier.


Time Taken 60 minutes 

Forest School


As we said on Zoom yesterday, this half term is our forest school time so we are going to use Tuesday afternoons as a creative and outdoors time. It will be time for you to get outdoors and explore. 


One of the things Miss Guildford was going to do with us is a scavenger walk. All you need is someone to go with you and something to collect your items in. The task is to find something that fits each category below. 


What to do - collect:

• Something wet

• Something noisy

• Something old

• Something heavy

• Something shiny

• Something dry

• Something quiet

• Something new

• Something light

• Something dark

• Something you would like to keep

• Something that can blow in the wind

• Something you have never seen before

• Something that smells nice

• Something beautiful

• Five shades of green


Once you've collected all those things can you use those things to build a structure. Send us your pictures so we can see what you have come up with. 


In future weeks we are going to have a go at tying knots, building dens and keeping a weather diary. 


Time Taken 60 minutes - or as long as you like

If you have worked quickly today and you have zipped through our work and it is all of a good quality, then you can have a look at the In case you finish... section. This is full of ideas that you can do if your grown ups are busy still working or with them when they have finished. 