
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Autumn Term

Our Nativity - we have such talented children in our class!

Indian Dance Workshop

What a brilliant Friday treat! Maple Class got to meet two beautiful donkeys from The Donkey Sanctuary!

We have been creating some lovely artwork in Maple Class

We have been excellent editors this week!

Some lovely show and tell this week!

We have been looking at newspaper texts in Maple Class, ready to create our own...

Our amazing achievements in Maple Class!

Today, we have been comparing two-digit numbers and revisiting our knowledge of the symbols < , > and =

You wouldn't believe what has been happening in Maple Class! Bowls, spoons, a broken chair and porridge everywhere! Who could it have been?

Maple Class Meeting 17.9.18
