We are moving on in Maths this week to doing two digit numbers multiplied by two digit numbers. There are lots of steps in these methods and therefore lots of places to be extra careful! Just like last week, the skill will remain the same all week - the numbers will just get longer... so do not worry if you don't get this the first time you watch the video. We will be going over it in the Zoom every day. You can watch the video as many times as you like and there are also some written examples to have a look at.
Whether you choose to use Method 1 or Method 2 is up to you. You might decide to start doing Method 1 and then as you begin to understand the method more, you might choose to switch to Method 2. Both ways are shown in the video. Choose the method that you understand - you don't need to do both. The video will also talk about and show area method. Do not worry about this - we are not covering this method as it is just a breakdown of the standard method.
Please DO use the times tables square. It is NOT cheating. It will help you find the answers more quickly so that you can get enough practise at the methods we are learning. This is one of the hardest things we do all year so please be kind to yourselves as you learn something totally new!