
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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EYFS Activities


Your child's Tapestry journal is now available for you to download. You will have received an email with instructions on how to do this. If you have any problems accessing your child’s account or downloading their journal, please speak to your child’s class teacher and they will be happy to help. 

All the children have been sent home with a book, which can be used to complete any of the following ideas/tasks that will be set each day.

Please feel free to comment (in their book) on your child’s learning.

Please encourage your child to have a go at reading and writing something every day - even copying letters or sounding out a couple of words will help your child to progress.

With all of the activities, little and often is always best. However, if your child is engaged, encourage them to keep going!

         Thank you for your continued support during this unsettled time.

Below are the EYFS daily lesson plans/activity ideas.

Useful Resources
