
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Week Beginning 10th Oct

What a fantastic week in Ash Class. In music we explored finding the beat/pulse while playing to ‘The Grand old Duke of York’. Mrs McAndrew was so impressed she popped her head round the door at the end!

Still image for this video

This week we made counting wands. When counting, you must touch the object with your wand before saying the number!

Funky fingers! We have been working on our fine motor skills to help us strengthen the muscles in our hands and work on our coordination. Some of us even counted all the hoops in our spaghetti tower!

We explored two different apps on the iPads to support our English and Maths.

We love to share and look at books together.

Outside we have been counting and making up our own games using a number line.

There has been lots of building work going on in the outdoor large construction area!

We have been working on our blending and segmenting skills using some of the phonemes we have been learning in phonics. We have all been working on our letter formation especially when writing and recognising our names.

We have been on the trim trail, in the mud kitchen and finding things of interest. Can you spot the snail in the sink?

Working together, sharing and listening to one another makes playing so much more fun!
