
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Summer Term 1

Art ~ Observational drawing

PE ~ Striking and fielding skills

Friday creativeness

We were lucky enough to read some of our wonderful acrostic Coronation poems in church :-)

Our wonderful school assembly - we are so proud of you Elm Class!

Bit of exploring creations on a Friday afternoon :-)

Science - plants . We are amazed at how fast our beans have grown! Can you remember what a plant needs to grow?

Computing - programming animations. Today we learned how to create algorithms!

Our wonderful nature dye display for outdoor education

Year 2 maths - how do I tell the time to the nearest half hour?

We were lucky enough to get a closer look at a hornet today and determine which species it was by measuring and examining it. Luckily it was a European hornet, so the honey bees are safe!

Computing - today we learned how to create different characters, backgrounds and programmes to make different scenes.
