
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Friday 12th February


Hi the spelling hives for today are below:


Group 2: 11.45am  #821367


Group 1: 11:50am  #599385


Feel free to join both groups if you would like.


Today, you have a choice of one of the activities below:


Remind yourself of the clips from yesterday about using commas to avoid ambiguity.

Task 1

Have a go at the questions below.  The first examples are easier and then they get harder. Try the easy ones to help build your confidence if you want to and then move on to harder ones. The choice is yours.

Task 2

Design a lesson that can teach other children your age to use commas to avoid ambiguity.  This might be a song, a rap, an animation, a PowerPoint or any other imaginative way that you can think of to get the message of commas across!  I would love to see your creations.



We have an end of unit assessment today. It might be a good idea to warm-up with TT Rock Stars first of all.


When you have done, make sure that you are up to date with My Maths. 



Spend the afternoon being active.  You might create a take 5 dance (you might be able to get together with a friend over Zoom to do this), do some Joe Wicks videos, go for a run or a walk, or do something else that gets you active.  Above all else, have fun!
