
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Summer Term

We had fun during our teeth and bones workshop from the museum!

Sports day!

Maypole dancing!

Still image for this video

Foundation Stage

Still image for this video

Time machine junk modelling and painting!

Year 1 multi-skills fun!

What an interesting Victorian experience! Today, we travelled back in time and had real Victorian lessons with a very convincing teacher! All of the children were very brave and joined in with all of the activities. They loved the sewing but I think they prefer Trull School in 2019!

Our runner bean plants have started to grow!

In R.E, we have been talking about what 'peace' means. Lots of the Year 1 children decided to use construction materials to build a model of their own 'peaceful places'.

Our Reception children have been very busy! They have been looking very closely at their runner bean plants and engaging in lots of writing and mark making activities.

In maths, we have been learning about multiplication and division by sharing objects into equal groups, finding doubles and making arrays!

We have even got our own time machine in the classroom and some children have made their own time machine models!

We've started to learn the beginning of our story using a story map, actions and lots of talking!

We have had an exciting start to our 'Trull Time Travellers' topic for this term, using Tilly and the Time Machine as one of our books for English!
