
TrullChurch of England VA Primary School

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10

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Gallery of activities 2014-2015

Year 6 Leavers - Trophy winners

Farewell assembly for Mr Biddles with presentation of gifts - including an Apple voucher to buy an Apple watch from staff, Governors and parents.

Pirate Day for Ash & Beech Class included a party and a treasure hunt.

Our choir entertain at the Trull 12-2 lunch

Year 6 Residential - challenging, team building, fun, enjoyable and a great time had by all.

Oak Class In-Site afternoon - theme of African art. Amazing pieces of work from parents and children.

Beech Class In-Site morning 4th June 2015

Yew Class InSite morning where the parents made parachutes to get an egg to safety.

Ash Class enjoyed a visit from the Police today

The back of our school looking good: new turf and new outdoor play and education areas for KS1 under a new canopy.

Bug Hotel: KS1 have prepared a floor for a Bug Hotel. Together with other local schools and pre-schools the hotel will be formally placed at Galmington Park by Taunton Deane Borough Council.

Solar eclipse of the sun 20th March 2015 plus assembly with the band and choir

Red Nose Day Bake-Off - fantastic entries with the theme 'Funny Faces'. We raised £489.48 from entry fees, face painting and the cake sale.

Amazing costumes worn to celebrate World Book Day 2015 on 5th March. Didn't they all look fabulous.

We really enjoyed meeting the Canine Partners Education Team today, especially Oracle, Dawson and Piper. Dawson is fully trained and gave a display of how he helps Ann with taking out the washing, bringing her things and turning on lights. Oracle (4 months) and Piper (2 months) are still learning the ropes.

RSPCA Non-Uniform Day, organised by Iris and Lily from Oak Class has raised an amazing £220. Well done girls, and thank you to everyone for supporting them in this endeavour for their favourite charity.

Worship Through Play 2015 - two days when we crash normal timetables, children are split into groups of mixed ages to enjoy activities with members from All Saints Church, Trull. The theme this year was 'The Creation Story'.

Worship Through Play day 2015

NSPCC sponsored activity day raised an amazing £2,913.64.

Beautiful sky and sunrise this morning: 22nd January 2015

NSPCC Sponsored events day 13th January 2015. All pupils are taking part in a variety of exciting activities to raise money for the NSPCC.

Children in Need - children wore spotty accessories and decorated cakes to sell after school. We raised over £350. WOW! Thank you everyone.

We celebrated Harvest on 8th October with an assembly in Church. Children brought in donations for the local charity, Open Door, for homeless people.

Sparkle Day to raise funds Taunton Lights 2014. We raised over £165

Congratulations to the newly married Mr and Mrs Bottomley. The children from Ash Class arrived to throw confetti as the happy couple came out of church.

Year 6 Leavers assembly and award winners

Afternoon Tea Party to celebrate the forthcoming weddings for four teachers. Is this a record for the number of staff weddings in one school?

TLP Children's Awards Evening at Bishop Fox's on 16th July. Congratulations to Ella, Kate & William and our choir members who sang in the TLP combined schools choir.

Showcase Concert on 15th July 2014 at Queen's Hall. An excellent performance by pupils.

Congratulations to our rugby team who attended the national primary schools rugby championships at Rugby on 15th July and were in the last five out of 17,000 primary schools.

KS2 Sports Day 30th June 2014. Actin-packed, full of effort, energy and team playing and the first year we could have a long distance race. Brilliant day for pupils and parents on the King George V field.

Wimbledon 2014, fantastic day out for these tennis players. Will we see them play on centre court in a few years time?

The cathedral formed a majestic backdrop for Year 6 at their Leavers' Celebration in Wells.

Trull Party in the Park, 21st June 2014, opened by the fabulous Trull School Country Dancers.

Puppet Workshop visit to KS1 was a lot of fun and thoroughly enjoyable. 13 June 2014

Year 6 celebrate the end of SATs week. A pyjama clad morning watching dvds followed by a water fight, climbing wall and BBQ.

Year 6 had a really exciting and informative visit to the Houses of Parliament on Monday 28th April 2014.  They had guided tours around both Houses and met our MP Jeremy Browne, who gave an interesting talk about the role of MPs.  After eating lunch in the local park the children walked to the Tate for a walk around the exhibitions and art displays before the return journey to school and a well deserved sleep.  


Easter Parade 2014. Some marvellous entries of hats and artwork with a theme of 'Eggs'.

Pupils were asked to give their views on Trull for the consultation of the Village Plan.

New building progressing well during Easter holidays, now on first floor ....

Comic Relief Bake-Off 21st March 2014. We raised £300. Thank you for your entries and generosity.
